
IRIDeS open faculty position (Professor, Computational Safety Engineering Lab)

2025.02.25 10:00
IRIDeS is currently seeking a faculty position as follows:
Computational Safety Engineering Lab,
Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division

Position: Professor
Expected Research Field:
This research field establishes advanced technologies for the assessment and prediction of disaster risks with the aim of creating a sustainable and resilient society. The position will emphasize on developing technologies for risk assessment of complex disasters, real-time damage prediction, efficient visualization of disaster impacts, and probabilistic risk assessment considering uncertainties in natural hazards, exposure and vulnerability, by introducing advanced approaches such as digital twin and data-driven sciences. This position will also promote basic and practical research for social implementation of the developed technologies in collaboration with diverse fields of disaster science.
The position is expected to contribute to education in the department of civil and environmental engineering.
Qualification Requirements: 
Successful candidates must have a PhD in Earth Science, Informatics, Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field. 
Candidates are expected to have achieved outstanding research outputs in the research fields mentioned above.
Applicants should fill the necessary items in the application forms, which are downloadable from the links below:
1. Curriculum vitae (Form1) and research activities (Form2)
2. Statement about past research activities related to the research expertise, including the experiences of international collaborations and field surveys. (Form3, less than two pages)
3. Statement about future research plans, education, and social implementation at IRIDeS. (Form4, Form5, less than two pages)
4. Reprints of academic papers and/or books: selected 5 copies (maximum) consistent with the publication list (Form2). If the applicant has book chapter(s), add a copy of the publication information pages and table of contents indicating the applicant’s contribution.
Application forms (designated in items 1 to 4 above) must be written in English or Japanese. 
Publication list (Form 2) must be categorized as “Peer-reviewed papers in academic journals”, “Reviewed conference papers and proceedings”, “Reviewed abstracts”, “Other papers”, “Books”, “Industry property rights”, “Invited presentations,” and so on.
Application forms (designated in Items 1 to 3 above), and one set of five selected papers or books (Item 4 above) should be submitted by uploading in the designated form.
The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.
Term of Employment: Starting: November 1, 2025, or later (Tenure)
Salary: Payment will be made in accordance with the Tohoku University’s regulations of annual salary system.
Submission Deadline: 30 June 2025, 4:00 pm (Japan Standard Time)
Submission of Application Forms:  
Application documents (designated in Items 1 to 3 above), and copies of five selected papers or books (Item 4 above) should be submitted by uploading to the designated form.
1st screening: Review of the application documents.
2nd screening (for qualifiers only): Interviews and presentations.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail Prof. Shunichi Koshimura.
Prof. Shunichi Koshimura (Deputy Director, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University)
• Tohoku University promotes activities to increase Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and
encourages people of varied talents from all backgrounds to apply for positions at the university.
Tohoku University’s website about the DEI Declaration is here: http://tumug.tohoku.ac.jp/dei/
• Pursuant to Article 8 of the Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men
and Women in Employment, Tohoku University shall, as a measure for increasing the presence of
women among the academic staff, prioritize the hiring of women deemed qualified for each job
opening, based on impartial evaluation.
• Tohoku University has published 'Tohoku University - Live as Who You Are - Guidelines for Gender and Sexual Diversity' to provide explanations and details of how those at the university should
respond with respect to diverse sexuality. The purpose of the guidelines is to create an environment
in which all students, faculty, and staff respect diverse sexuality in their academic, research, and
professional activities.
Please see the Center for Diversity, Equity , and Inclusion, Tohoku University website:
• Tohoku University has the largest on-campus childcare system of all Japanese national universities.
This network comprises three nurseries: Kawauchi Keyaki Nursery school (capacity: 22) and Aobayama Midori Nursery school (116), both open to all university employees, as well as Hoshinoko
Nursery school (120), which is open to employees working at Tohoku University Hospital. In addition,
Tohoku University Hospital runs a childcare room for mildly ill and convalescent children which is
available to all university employees.
• See the following website for information on these and other programs that Tohoku University runs
to assist work-life balance, to support researchers, and to advance gender equality, including measures to promote childcare leave among male employees.
Center for Diversity, Equity , and Inclusion, Tohoku University website:
Human Resources and Planning Department website: